on my semish old computer this took forever
but on my new one it loaded in like 30 seconds
*gloat* *gloat* *gloat*
on my semish old computer this took forever
but on my new one it loaded in like 30 seconds
*gloat* *gloat* *gloat*
i like it? maye british people DO like poptarts
I Liekd it good idea puttn a twist all up n dis bticht
gooood i dea
but i didnt like how you couldnt move, and even more so, i didnt like going back and forth
but dangerously boring
i didnt like it, it was hard to get the specials right
and i jsut ended up mashing buttons
make the specials easier to recognize or somthing bcuz i would put in a special, and id do a normal move
good idea tho
i didnt like it
what was i supposed to do? they didnt do anything exept walk around and twitch
sorry, i just didnt understand this. Maybe you can make something in the game that allows you to do something different as well
very good but sometimes annoyin
sometimes it was really annoying, cuz i rotated it the wrong way, and then some minataur killed me, but i was right next to the door
sorry but
it just wasnt fun., alll i did was run back and forth
i kno thats the point but its not fun
i wouldnt recommend this game because i lost intereest VERY fast
make something else you can do, like throw shit at ninja rabbits (i played lvls 1 and 2)
Hi thar
Joined on 11/30/08